T-2 MAC 5000 System Revision A 2020300-016 24 May 2004 Listed below are GE Medical Systems Information Technologies trademarks. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. 900 SC, ACCUSKETCH, AccuVision, APEX, AQUA-KNOT, ARCHIVIST, Autoseq, BABY MAC, C Qwik.

  1. Ge Mac 2000 User Manual
  2. Mac 3500 Ekg Machine Manual
  3. Ge Mac 3500 Service Manual Free

Advanced Electrocardiography


Built on GE innovation in ECG acquisition and analysis, the MAC 5500 HD Resting ECG System is a premier ECG system, delivering advanced disease management capabilities through one of the industry-leading collections of algorithms and advanced networking.

The MAC 5500 HD represents a new definition of ECG speed and accuracy, and offers:

Ge mac 3500 service manual software
  • Better triaging tools for Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) detection
  • Configurable Crtical Values to help speed time to treatment
  • More accurate pacemaker detection for advanced interpretation of paced rhythms
  • Enhanced barcode workflow, with orders and ADT download capability, work together to help improve efficiency across the enterprise
  • Connected ECG Workflow to help save time and avoid costly misdiagnoses

The MAC 5500 HD also meets the need for productivity across the enterprise, by empowering a wide range of users to precisely capture, analyze, and communicate ECG data. All to ensure the right data goes with the right patient to help reduce demographic and billing errors, and speed time to treatment.

Ge Mac 2000 User Manual

Sophisticated tools. Easy to use. The MAC 5500 HD enables clinicians to focus on what's most important: their patients.

The affordable MACTM 3500 Resting ECG System is designed to help you:

Mac 3500 Ekg Machine Manual

  • Increase productivity with its common interface and intuitive operation
  • Improve sensitivity of emergency physicians’ interpretation of acute myocardial infarction by 50% and cardiologists’ interpretations by 26%, with no loss of specificity1 with its Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Algorithm. The new ACS algorithm also improved the emergency physician’s acute ischemic syndrome interpretation sensitivity by 53%, while maintaining a specificity of 91%1
  • Speed triage and time to treatment for patients at high risk of cardiac events with configurable critical values and onscreen and printed notifications
  • Tap into the power of MUSETM Cardiology Information System for streamlined workflow and higher functionality with our optional communications package with wireless, LAN, or modem selections
  • Reduce patient data entry time and errors with an optional automated process that includes barcode readers
  • Support your facility's patient safety goals and the Joint Commission's reporting requirements through consistent reporting of critical conditions

Ge Mac 3500 Service Manual Free

1. Xue J, AufderheideT, Scott Wright R, Klein J, Farrell R, Rowlandson I, Young B. Added value ofnew acute coronary syndrome computer algorithm for interpretation ofprehospital electrocardiograms. J Electrocardiol 2004; 37 Suppl:233-239. “co-authored in part by GE Healthcare employees.”