In this article, I’ve covered how to fix macOS Sierra screen resolution on VirtualBox, and you saw that I changed the screen resolution from 1024×768 to 1440×900 From the above list that I’ve pointed. I only tested one of those sizes. Aug 27, 2015  Though it’s generally recommended to use the ‘Default for display’ screen resolution option, Mac users who connect their computer to an external display or TV may find it helpful to be able to see, access, and use all possible display resolutions for a particular screen. This can be particularly useful if a display is either showing at an incorrect screen resolution, or if you’d like.

Active2 years, 11 months ago

Can you please tell me how can I find out the screen resolution and dpi for the screen on my Macbook Pro? (I got it last year, 2009.)

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6 Answers

This depends on the model of Macbook Pro (i.e. the screen size - 13.3', 15.4' or 17') you purchased, but the resolution and DPI (or PPI), for the 2009 unibody models, is provided by Wikipedia (here and here).

However, given the resolution and display size, you can easily calculate the PPI. In summary:

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Open the Apple menu at the very top-left of the screen and click on About This Mac. Click on the More Info button, which will open up a window with lots of categories of information. The Graphics/Displays category will tell you your screen resolution.

2,4432 gold badges18 silver badges27 bronze badges

If you like terminal, then you can get via below command

For example


Or to view and change the resolution: Open the Apple menu at the very top-left of the screen and click on System Preferences..., then Displays. This will show a list of available resolutions with the current one highlighted.


Manual Resolution Machines

Open Terminal app and run this command: system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType. You will see output that looks like this:

6,59728 gold badges63 silver badges80 bronze badges

All these answers are good but the fastest way to find the mac resolution is to do SHIFT + COMMAND + 4 (screenshot shortcut). Move the cursor to the bottom right to get the coordinates.

Press SHIFT + COMMAND + 4 with the cursor in the bottom right corner

Source: Computer Science student at Chapel Hill

Calvin NewtonCalvin Newton

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In this article, I’m going to show you how to fix macOS Sierra screen resolution on VirtualBox or fix screen resolution of macOS Sierra on VirtualBox. When is this, happening? Or how we should fix screen resolution of macOS Sierra or El Capitan. In our previous topics, we have covered the following titles.

Fix macOS Sierra Screen Resolution on VirtualBox

It is a prevalent and famous problem for those who install a Mac operating system on VMware or VirtualBox. For the first time when you install macOS Sierra or Mac OS X El Capitan on VirtualBox or VMware, the first error that you see is screen resolution and some other problem. By default when you install Mac Operating system on Virtualization software, most of the time the screen resolution is 1024×768, and you can change it on VirtualBox to “640×480, 800×600, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1900×1200“. As an example, I want to change the resolution from 1024×768 to 1440×900. I hope you get something from this pictorial tutorial.

Related Post: Fix macOS High Sierra Screen Resolution 4K, 2K, 1920×1080

Step #1. Play your installed macOS Sierra on VirtualBox and confirm the current and default screen resolution. After that turn off your VirtualBox VM and close all VirtualBox tabs.

Default Resolution of macOS Sierra Installed on VirtualBox

Step #2. Download the macOS Sierra Screen Resolution VBox Code from the link below.

  • Download Screen Resolution VBox Code

Step #3. Replace and edit the code that is named as “VM Name” to your macOS Sierra Virtual machine name, be sure it’s the same.

Step #4. Choose the resolution of your screen monitor from the list below, to choose one just clean N and type the number of that resolution size.

Choose your Screen Resolution From the List

Step #5. Press Windowsbutton + X and click on Command Prompt (Admin).

Run CMD as Admin

Step #6. Select the VirtualBox path by the change directory command, so copy & paste the command to Command Prompt(CMD) then hit enter.

Manual Resolution Macbook Pro

Step #7. This time Copy & Paste the fixed screen resolution code to CommandPrompt(CMD) then hit enter.

Note: Be sure that you have selected a fix resolution for your monitor screen and choice the amount of N. after copying the code to virtual-box then close all tabs.

Run the Screen Resolution Code

Step #8.Start the installed macOS Sierra virtual machine from VirtualBox.

Launch the macOS Sierra VM

Step #9. Now log in to your account and check the screen resolution to confirm it has worked or not. So was all.

Fixed macOS Sierra Screen Resolution on VirtualBox

Manual Resolution Mac Mini


Manual Resolution Windows 10

In this article, I’ve covered how to fix macOS Sierra screen resolution on VirtualBox, and you saw that I changed the screen resolution from 1024×768 to 1440×900 From the above list that I’ve pointed. I only tested one of those sizes. Now, you can choose according to your monitor. If you’ve any kinds of question regarding this article or our old topics, feel free to share with us in the comment section below. Thanks for being with us.