I have a McCulloch 10-10 auto chainsaw thats 35 years old and has not been used in about 15 years. I can not get it started no matter i do. I changed the plug and checked the spark, it's getting good spark, i cleaned the carb it's getting gas and i still can not get it started.
Downladable Service Manual
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112 page factory workshop service manual covers: fuel and lubricants, adhesives and special products, special tools, torque settings, carburetor, timing, spike, starter, clutch, chain tensioner, oiler oil pump, planetary drive system, muffler, powersharp, fan housing, starter, electric start, ignition, electrical system, flywheel, points, condenser, coil, switch, air filter and cover, fuel system pressure testing, single and double needle carburetors both tillotson and walbro (removal - cleaning - servicing - adjustment - installation), fuel tank, fuel cap, fuel line, oiler system, manual oil pump, automatic oil pump, oil pickup and tank, frame and shroud, piston, cylinder, powerhead, boring procedures, decompression valve, and troubleshooting.
Manual covers the following models: 1-10, 2-10, 3-10, 4-10, 5-10, 6-10, 10-10, LG-2, LG-6, CP-55, CP-70. It does not cover later models like Pro Mac 10-10, or Pro Mac 7-10 but many of the repairs and details do still apply to those later saws.
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