Office 2011 for Macintosh: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals) Chris Grover on Amazon.com.FREE. shipping on qualifying offers. Office 2011 for Mac is easy to use, but to unleash its full power, you need to go beyond the basics. In Office 2011 for Mac: The Missing Manual, you’ll learn how to customize Outlook to match your work style. The Return of Visual Basic. Many Mac fans were disappointed when Visual Basic disappeared in Office 2008. Microsoft got the message, and brought back Visual Basic in all its glory. If you have Office 2010 or earlier and choose to perform a clean install of Windows 10, you will need to locate your Office product key. For tips on locating your product key, check Find your Office 2010 product key or Enter the product key for your Office 2007 program. Using the tool to create installation media.

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Windows 7: The Missing Manual

In early reviews, geeks raved about Windows 7. But if you're an ordinary mortal, learning what this new system is all about will be challenging.

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Keeping your financial house in order is more important than ever. But how do you deal with expenses, debt, taxes, and retirement without getting overwhelmed?

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Lesa Snider, author of Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual, on Combining Photos & Vectors in Photoshop

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Follow Your Money

Take the Pain Out of Saving Money

J.D. Roth, author of Your Money: The Missing Manual, shares practical tips for saving money and helpful techniques that make saving less of a chore.

  1. Word

    1. Chapter 1 Basic Word Processing

      1. Creating and Opening Documents
      2. Word Processing Basics
      3. A Window into Word
      4. The Views
      5. Every Conceivable Variation on Saving
      6. Printing
    2. Chapter 2 Editing in Word

      1. The Many Ways to Select Text
      2. Moving Text Around
      3. Navigating Your Documents
      4. Finding and Replacing
      5. Spelling and Grammar
      6. Five Ways to Type Less
    3. Chapter 3 Formatting in Word

      1. The Formatting Palette
      2. Character Formatting
      3. Lists
      4. Paragraph Formatting
      5. Document Formatting
      6. Section Formatting
    4. Chapter 4 Styles, Page Layout, and Tables

      1. Styles
      2. Page Layout
      3. Automatic Hyphenation
      4. Text Boxes
      5. Pictures and Drawings
      6. Charts and Spreadsheets
      7. Tables
    5. Chapter 5 Comments, Change Tracking, and Versions

      2. Change Tracking
      3. Comparing Documents
      4. Versioning
    6. Chapter 6 Notebooks, Outlining, and Master Documents

      1. Notebook Layout View
      2. The Outliner
      3. The Document Map
      4. Master Documents
    7. Chapter 7 Advanced Word Processing

      1. Headers and Footers
      2. Footnotes and Endnotes
      3. Line Numbers
      4. Templates
      5. AutoSummarize
      6. Fields
      8. Captions
      9. Cross-References
      10. Creating a Table of Contents
      11. Indexing
      12. Data Merges
      13. Macros
    8. Chapter 8 Word Meets Web

      1. Word as Web Browser
      2. Creating a Web Page in Word
      3. Graphics, Sounds, and Movies
      4. Hyperlinks
      5. Web Forms
      6. Saving Web Pages
  2. Entourage

    1. Chapter 9 Entourage Email and Newsgroups

      1. The Big Picture
      2. Setting Up Entourage
      3. Sending and Receiving Mail
      4. Newsgroups
    2. Chapter 10 Calendar, Tasks, and the Project Center

      1. The Calendar
      2. Recording Events
      3. What to Do with an Appointment
      4. Saving Calendars as Web Pages
      5. Tasks
      6. Office Notifications
      7. Project Center
      8. Accessing Projects from Other Office Programs
    3. Chapter 11 Address Book and Notes

      1. Address Book
      2. The Note Pad
    4. Chapter 12 Advanced Entourage

      1. Palm Synchronization
      2. About Conduits
      3. Multiple Identities
      4. Finding Messages
      5. Links
      6. Categories
      7. Checking Your Spelling
      8. The Script Menu
  3. Excel

    1. Chapter 13 Basic Excel

      1. Spreadsheet Basics
      2. Formula Fundamentals
      3. Excel, the List Maker
    2. Chapter 14 Formatting and Charts

      1. Formatting Worksheets
      2. Charts
      3. Printing Worksheets
    3. Chapter 15 Advanced Spreadsheeting

      1. Workbooks and Worksheets
      2. Advanced Formula Magic
      3. Working with Databases
      4. Opening the Excel Toolbox
      5. Macros: Making Excel Work for You
  4. PowerPoint

    1. Chapter 16 Basic PowerPoint

      1. Triple View
      2. Step 1: Specify a Design
      3. Step 2: Writing the Outline
      4. Step 3: Building the Show
      5. How to Build a Slide
    2. Chapter 17 Advanced PowerPoint

      1. Making a Slideshow
      2. Multimedia Effects
      3. Printing Your Presentation
  5. Microsoft Of.ce as a Whole

    1. Chapter 18 The Project Gallery and Toolbox

      1. The Project Gallery
      2. Toolbox
      3. Reference Tools
      4. Projects Palette
      5. Compatibility Checker
    2. Chapter 19 Customizing Office

      1. Customizing Your Toolbars
      2. Redesigning Your Menus
      3. Reassigning Key Combinations
    3. Chapter 20 The Graphics Programs of Office

      1. Inserting a Graphic
      2. The Clip Gallery
      3. AutoShapes and WordArt
      4. Lines and Shapes: The Drawing Toolbar
      5. Formatting Pictures and Drawings
      6. The Picture Toolbar
      7. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
    4. Chapter 21 AppleScripting Office

      1. What is AppleScript?
      2. Installing and Running Office Scripts
      3. Starter Scripts
      4. Learning More

Microsoft Office For Mac Free

  1. Colophon