Hi Selenium-users, I'm not able to open new tab using chrome driver on mac. Chrome driver vesrion: 2.19 and chrome version 45.0.2454.99 (64-bit). How to install and run a test against:. Firefox, Marionette GeckoDriver. Chrome, ChromeDriver For Selenium WebDriver using Java on a Mac. We also use a sample test project on github to make it. If you want to open a link on the current view in a new tab then the code you've written above can be used. Instead of By.linkText make sure you use the appropriate By selector class to select the web element. I had used the below code to open a new tab in the browser using C# selenium.

In this tutorial, we will learn about different types of alert found in web application Testing and how to handle Alert in Selenium WebDriver. We will also see how do we accept and reject the alert depending upon the alert types.

In this tutorial, you will learn-

What is Alert?

Alert is a small message box which displays on-screen notification to give the user some kind of information or ask for permission to perform certain kind of operation. It may be also used for warning purpose.

Here are few alert types:

1) Simple Alert

This simple alert displays some information or warning on the screen.

2) Prompt Alert.

This Prompt Alert asks some input from the user and selenium webdriver can enter the text using sendkeys(' input…. ').

3) Confirmation Alert.

This confirmation alert asks permission to do some type of operation.

How to handle Alert in Selenium WebDriver

Alert interface provides the below few methods which are widely used in Selenium Webdriver.

1) void dismiss() // To click on the 'Cancel' button of the alert.

2) void accept() // To click on the 'OK' button of the alert.

3) String getText() // To capture the alert message.

4) void sendKeys(String stringToSend) // To send some data to alert box.

You can see a number of Alert methods are displayed as shown in below screen suggested by Eclipse.

We can easily switch to alert from the main window by using Selenium's .switchTo() method.

Now we automate the given below scenario.

In this scenario, we will use Guru99 demo site to illustrate Selenium Alert handling.

Step 1) Launch the web browser and open the site 'http://demo.guru99.com/test/delete_customer.php '

Step 2) Enter Any Customer id.

Step 3) After entering the customer ID, Click on the 'Submit' button.

Step 4) Reject/accept the alert.

Handling Alert in Selenium Webdriver using above scenario

Output :

When you execute the above code, it launches the site. Try to delete Customer ID by handling confirmation alert that displays on the screen, and thereby deleting customer id from the application.

How to handle Selenium Pop-up window using Webdriver

In automation, when we have multiple windows in any web application, the activity may need to switch control among several windows from one to other in order to complete the operation. After completion of the operation, it has to return to the main window i.e. parent window. We will see this further in the article with an example.

In selenium web driver there are methods through which we can handle multiple windows.


To handle all opened windows by web driver, we can use 'Driver.getWindowHandles()' and then we can switch window from one window to another in a web application. Its return type is Iterator<String>.


When the site opens, we need to handle the main window by driver.getWindowHandle(). This will handle the current window that uniquely identifies it within this driver instance. Its return type is String.

Selenium Chromedriver Open Manual Url In New Tab Mac Os

To handle multiple windows in Selenium WebDriver, We follow the following steps.

Now, we will automate the given below scenario to see how to handle multiple windows using Selenium Webdriver.

In this scenario, we will use 'Guru99' demo site to illustrate window handling.

Step 1) Launch the site.

Launch the browser and open the site ' http://demo.guru99.com/popup.php '

Step 2) Click on link 'Click Here '.

When the user clicks on the ' Click Here ' link, new child window opens.

Step 3) New Child Window opens.

A new window opens, ask the user to enter email id and submit the page.

Step 4) Enter your email ID and submit.

Step 5) Display the Access Credentials on submitting the page.

When you execute the code, you will see the child window is open in new tab.

  1. Close the Child window on which credentials are displayed.
  1. Switch to the parent window.

Handling multiple windows in selenium webdriver using above scenario.


When you execute the above code, it launches the site and on clicking the link 'Click here,' it opens up a child window in a new tab. You can close the child window, and switch to the parent window once the operation is completely done. Hence handling more than one window in the application.


  • We defined the types of alert and shown them with a screen shot.
  • Demonstrated handling the Alert with Selenium WebDriver using particular scenario.
  • Handled multiple windows with Selenium WebDriver using particular scenario.
Active3 months ago

How to open a new tab in the existing Firefox browser using Selenium WebDriver (a.k.a. Selenium 2)?

17.2k16 gold badges80 silver badges133 bronze badges
Bhakti ShahBhakti Shah
6051 gold badge8 silver badges12 bronze badges

26 Answers

The code below will open the link in new Tab.

The code below will open empty new Tab.

Nagaraju JampaniNagaraju Jampani

Just for anyone else who's looking for an answer in Ruby/Python/C# bindings (Selenium 2.33.0).

Note that the actual keys to send depend on your OS, for example, Mac uses COMMAND + t, instead of CONTROL + t.




Yi ZengYi Zeng
24.3k9 gold badges73 silver badges108 bronze badges

To open new window in Chrome Driver.

Junaid KhanJunaid Khan

You can use the following code using Java with Selenium WebDriver:

By using JavaScript:

Ripon Al WasimRipon Al Wasim
27.5k31 gold badges131 silver badges153 bronze badges
7,18616 gold badges68 silver badges108 bronze badges
Prasanth RJPrasanth RJ

To open new tab using JavascriptExecutor,

Will control on tab as according to index:

Driver control on main tab:

Ishita ShahIshita Shah
2,6491 gold badge10 silver badges30 bronze badges
Radim KöhlerUrl
109k32 gold badges212 silver badges288 bronze badges
Nagaraju JampaniNagaraju Jampani

To open a new tab in the existing Chrome browser using Selenium WebDriver you can use this code:


I had trouble opening a new tab in chrome for a while.Even driver.findElement(By.cssSelector('body')).sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + 't'); Didn't work for me.

I found out that it's not enough that selenium has focus on driver, Windows also has to have the window in the front.

My solution was to invoke an alert on chrome that would bring the window to front and then execute the command. sample code:


I am using Selenium 2.52.0 in Java and Firefox 44.0.2. Unfortunately none of above solutions worked for me. The problem is if I a call driver.getWindowHandles() I always get 1 single handle. Somehow this makes sense to me as Firefox is a single process and each tab is not a separate process. But maybe I am wrong. Anyhow I try to write my own solution:

I used Ctrl+t combination to open a new tab, Ctrl+w to close it, and to switch back to original tab I used Ctrl+1 (the first tab). I am aware that mine solution is not perfect or even good and I would also like to switch with driver's switchTo call, but as I wrote it was not possible as I had only one handle. Maybe this will be helpful to someone with the same situation.

6731 gold badge9 silver badges25 bronze badges
1,7453 gold badges24 silver badges41 bronze badges

How to open a new tab using Selenium WebDriver with Java for chrome?

Above code will disable first extensions and using robot class new tab will open.

61.5k21 gold badges104 silver badges140 bronze badges
Nikhil ShahNikhil Shah

This line of code will open a new browser tab using selenium webdriver

khaleefa shaikkhaleefa shaik
1,1904 gold badges18 silver badges27 bronze badges

How to open a new, but more importantly, how do you do stuff in that new tab? Webdriver doesn't add a new WindowHandle for each tab, and only has control of the first tab. So, after selecting a new tab (Control + Tab Number) set .DefaultContent() on the driver to define the visible tab as the one you're going to do work on.

Visual Basic

1,3201 gold badge12 silver badges28 bronze badges

To open a new tab in the existing Firefox browser using Selenium WebDriver

1,7453 gold badges24 silver badges41 bronze badges

Selenium Chromedriver Open Manual Url In New Tab Mac Chrome

Alex MathewAlex Mathew
Anirudh Sharma
7,36712 gold badges34 silver badges39 bronze badges

check this complete example to understand how to open multiple tabs and switch between the tabs and at the end close all tabs

This example is given by this web page

Selenium Chromedriver Open Manual Url In New Tab Mac Os

anuja jainanuja jain

Selenium Chromedriver Open Manual Url In New Tab Mac Firefox

Due to bug in https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=1465 even though webdriver.switchTo actually does switch tabs, the focus is left on the first tab. You can confirm this by doing a driver.get after the switchWindow and see that the second tab actually go to the new URL and not the original tab.

Work around for now is what @yardening2 suggested.Use js to open an alert and then use webdriver to accept it.


This code working for me (selenium 3.8.1, chromedriver=2.34.522940, chrome=63.0):

Giang PhanGiang Phan

Question : How to open a new tab using Selenium WebDriver with Java?

Answer : After click on any link open new tab.

If we want to handle newly open tab then we have need to handle tab using .switchTo().window()command.

Switch to particular tab then perform operation and switch back to into parent tab.

sandeep shewalesandeep shewale

Selenium doesn't support opening new tabs, it only supports opening new windows. For all intents an purposes a new window is functionally equivalent to a new tab anyway.

There are various hacks to work around the issue but they are going to cause you other problems in the long run.

61k20 gold badges138 silver badges200 bronze badges
Jainish KapadiaJainish Kapadia
2,2152 gold badges11 silver badges28 bronze badges

protected by Baum mit AugenJul 2 '17 at 20:33

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