Jun 28, 2016  Back up the whole Mail folder in your user library: /Library/Mail/V2/ Local mailboxes are actually stored in that path in the Mailboxes folder. But depending on the type of accounts you have (POP or IMAP), they could also be in the account folder there. Back up the whole folder to get mailboxes plus the data files to go with them. Mac Mail - Backup & Restore. By Freeola Support on 25th April, 2019 2 Comment(s) Welcome to the Freeola Internet customer support pages. This guide is designed to help with ensuring that you fully back up your mail client, Mac Mail, should you need to upgrade your mail service or switch machines.


Jurgen writes: I use CrashPlan to back up specific data for extra 'offsite' protection, but I've been having trouble with Time Machine for my local, full system backup and I'd like to try backing up my entire Mac using CrashPlan's local backup feature. Time Machine automatically handles which folders and data to back up to ensure that my system is protected (when it works, that is), but I'll need to do that manually with CrashPlan.

So, if I want a full system backup with CrashPlan that offers the same level of protection as a local Time Machine backup, which files and folders should I tell CrashPlan to back up?


These suggestions apply to virtually any service or software that allows for selective backup.

When choosing what to backup manually, first and most importantly look to the Users folder, located by default at Macintosh HD/Users/. This will back up your user account, along with any other accounts on the Mac, plus any shared data. Each user account contains your Desktop files, documents, downloads, videos, music, and pictures. If you have more than one user on your Mac, and you’re only interested in backing up your own data, just go one level deeper and select your user account from within the Users folder.

Another location you may wish to back up is the system level Library folder, located at Macintosh HD/Library/. While all of your personal preferences and application support data should be in your user Library folder, which is backed up in the steps above, some applications, such as Microsoft Office, install various items to the system Library folder. You’d probably be fine with not backing this folder up, but if you’re looking for a complete backup solution that lets you resume work immediately after restoring your data, it’s a good idea to grab this folder as well.

The Applications folder, at Macintosh HD/Applications, is also prime target for backup. The Mac App Store and downloadable software purchases have made it relatively easy to reinstall lost applications after a hard drive crash or data loss, but it’s still a time-consuming process even with a fast network connection. By backing up this folder locally, you can quickly restore all of you existing applications without having to re-download or reinstall them one-by-one.

Note, however, that some applications with strong DRM (digital rights management), may require that you re-enter your product key after restoring them from backup. Examples of such apps include Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite products.

All of the above recommendations assume that you’ve used the default locations for your data. If you’ve instead saved data to random folders outside of your User folder, you’ll need to check to make sure these get backed up as well. If you don’t see any files in Macintosh HD/Users/[user]/Documents/, for example, open your commonly used applications and trace your files back to their actual locations.

What to Exclude

If you want complete backup coverage and you have a large enough storage drive, just back up everything. If you’re backup space is limited, however, consider excluding the following items:

  • Macintosh HD/Users/[user]/Library/Mobile Documents - this is where Apple stores local copies of your iCloud data. If you lose it due to a hard drive failure, all of the data will be automatically downloaded again once you restore your Mac and log in with iCloud.
  • Macintosh HD/Users/[user]/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/Library/Mail Downloads - when you view an email attachment in Mail, it gets stored to this temporary location until you save it to your drive or delete the message. Just as above with iCloud, if you lose the contents of this folder, they’ll automatically re-download when you set your email account back up after restoring.
  • Macintosh HD/Users/[user]/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Movies (and TV Shows) - if your movies and TV show folders are filled exclusively with purchased iTunes content, then you don’t have to worry about backing them up. These can be huge, multi-gigabyte files that take up a lot of space, and you’ll always be able to download them again from Apple at any time. Of course, if you have non-iTunes content in these folders, such as files sourced from home videos or ripped DVDs, you’ll want to make sure they’re backed up along with the rest of your data.
  • Cloud Service Folders - services like Dropbox, SugarSync, and SkyDrive can be configured to store data on your local Mac. Although it’s good to have at least one backup of the data stored on these services (in case their data centers are ever destroyed), most users will be safe skipping these folders in their backup. Once you’ve restored your Mac, simply reconnect to these services and re-download (or re-sync) your data.
  • Virtual Machines - users who run virtualization software like Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion likely have at least one huge virtual machine file on their Mac. If you use a VM for actual work, such as running Windows-only accounting software, then you’ll definitely want to back these files up. But if you only use them for testing, and the machines hold no crucial data, then you can safely exclude them if you choose. You’ll have to go through the process of recreating the machines and reinstalling your virtual OS, but it might be worth it for some users to save 30 or 40 GB on their backup drive.
  • Other Large Files - every Mac user is different, and there’s no way to anticipate each user’s needs. It’s therefore recommended that all users also browse their Macs for large files that might be good candidates for exclusion. One of the best ways to do this is to use the excellent free tool OmniDiskSweeper. If you run the app as a root user, it can reveal hidden sources of data that take up large amounts of space but really aren’t that important, letting each user create a custom backup plan.
  • Whichever steps, methods, or software you choose, just make sure that you back up your data, preferably using the “3–2–1” strategy: 3 total copies of each important file (the original plus two backups), stored on 2 different types of media (such as hard drives and optical disks), with 1 copy stored offsite (either physically offsite, such as keeping an external hard drive at a friend’s house, or in the cloud).

    You can use Time Machine, the built-in backup feature of your Mac, to automatically back up all of your files, including apps, music, photos, email, documents, and system files. When you have a backup, you can restore files from your backup if the original files are ever deleted from your Mac, or the hard disk (or SSD) in your Mac is erased or replaced.

    Mail Backup And Restore

    Create a Time Machine backup

    To create backups with Time Machine, all you need is an external storage device. After you connect the device and select it as your backup disk, Time Machine automatically makes hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for all previous months. The oldest backups are deleted when your backup disk is full.

    Connect an external storage device

    Connect one of the following external storage devices, sold separately. Learn more about backup disks that you can use with Time Machine.

    • External drive connected to your Mac, such as a USB, Thunderbolt, or FireWire drive
    • External drive connected to an AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11ac model) or AirPort Time Capsule
    • AirPort Time Capsule
    • Mac shared as a Time Machine backup destination
    • Network-attached storage (NAS) device that supports Time Machine over SMB

    Select your storage device as the backup disk

    When you connect an external drive directly to your Mac, you might be asked if you want to use the drive to back up with Time Machine. Select Encrypt Backup Disk (recommended), then click Use as Backup Disk.

    How to backup apple mail

    An encrypted backup is accessible only to users with the password. Learn more about keeping your backup disk secure.

    How To Backup Apple Mail

    If Time Machine doesn't ask to use your drive, follow these steps to add it manually:

    Mac Mail Backup File

    1. Open Time Machine preferences from the Time Machine menu in the menu bar. Or choose Apple () menu > System Preferences, then click Time Machine.
    2. Click Select Backup Disk (or Select Disk, or Add or Remove Backup Disk):
    3. Select your external drive from the list of available disks. Then select ”Encrypt backups” (recommended) and click Use Disk:

    If the disk you selected isn't formatted as required by Time Machine, you're prompted to erase the disk first. Click Erase to proceed. This erases all information on the backup disk.

    Enjoy the convenience of automatic backups

    After you select a backup disk, Time Machine immediately begins making periodic backups—automatically and without further action by you. The first backup may take a long time, depending on how many files you have, but you can continue using your Mac while a backup is underway. Time Machine backs up only the files that changed since the previous backup, so future backups will be faster.

    To start a backup manually, choose Back Up Now from the Time Machine menu in the menu bar. Use the same menu to check the status of a backup or skip a backup in progress.

    Learn more

    • If you back up to multiple disks, you can switch disks before entering Time Machine. Press and hold the Option key, then choose Browse Other Backup Disks from the Time Machine menu.
    • To exclude items from your backup, open Time Machine preferences, click Options, then click the Add (+) button to add an item to be excluded. To stop excluding an item, such as an external hard drive, select the item and click the Remove (–) button.
    • If using Time Machine to back up to a network disk, you can verify those backups to make sure they're in good condition. Press and hold Option, then choose Verify Backups from the Time Machine menu.
    • In OS X Lion v10.7.3 or later, you can start up from your Time Machine disk, if necessary. Press and hold Option as your Mac starts up. When you see the Startup Manager screen, choose “EFI Boot” as the startup disk.