Offensive trash odor in a refuse storage or pickup area is a reflection on your business or facility! In addition to the untidy image projected to the community, the odor creates an unpleasant work environment and can cause complaints from neighboring businesses and More... residents. Such complaints may result in violations and fines from the local health department. Furthermore, the odor can attract rats, mice, bees, flies, wasps, stray cats and dogs.You can take steps to control your trash odor problem. You may be able to minimize odors through more frequent pickups in warm weather; or, if you are presently using open containers, closed containers should be considered. Also, you should make sure the storage area is adequately ventilated. If you have changed operational procedures and the odor persists, it's time to consider Marathon's Ozone Odor Control System.This ozone generating unit electronically eliminates all odors from the compactor and disposal areas for a more pleasant environment. The Ozone Odor Control System significantly reduces customer/consumer objections, retards bacteria growth, eliminates compacted-garbage odor, prevents fermentation, and destroys pest attracting odors. This optional unit can be directly installed on Marathon Vert-I-Pack compactors. Other Marathon waste compactors require a remote unit with a separate 100 volt power source. Less
Trash Compactor Reviews
Mini Mac Trash Compactor Owners Manual Free
Marathon Equipment Company Datasheets for Waste Compactors Industrial compactors, waste and garbage compactors, crushers and other compaction equipment are used to process wastes, textiles, rubber, fibers and other low-density materials into a finished compact shape. The Mini-MACĀ® features a new device that allows the user to easily connect and ratchet the container from one side! Compaction container is mounted on poly clad casters to allow it to be moved to the pick-up area. They can be configured for front or rear load collection vehicles. Mini-MAC Apartment Compactor shown with chute feed hopper.